Thursday, January 31, 2019

Indian Contributions :: essays research papers

President BushThe strength of our Nation comes from its people. As the betimes inhabitants of this great land, the native peoples of northeasterly America played a unique(p) role in the shaping of our Nations history and culture. During the month when we celebrate Thanksgiving, we oddly celebrate their heritage and the contributions of American Indian and Alaska Native peoples to this Nation.The contribution of the American Indian to the English language is something that is often oerlooked. These words range from much(prenominal) common English words as "raccoon," "moose," "quahog" and "mackinaw" to literally thousands of place names "Chicago," "Tallahassee," "Cheyenne," "Hackensack," "Keokuk," "Rockaway," and more others. Historians point out that the first settlers on American shores discovered many things they had never seen before and which appeared nowhere else in the world. To get the Englis h words for an Indian objects the settlers simply spelled out as best they could in English their impression of the Indian sounds. Understandably in that location were often various spellings. An early spelling for skunk was "squuncke," a persimmon was first spelled "putchamins" and the Niagara was the "ongniaahra." One political word widely used today, "caucus," appeared in several of the Indian languages.A case can be do that contact with American Indians actually served as one of the catalysts for the Scientific transmutation in Europe. In 1571 King Philip II of Spain commissioned physician Francisco Hernandez to text file the medicinal seeds, plants, and herbs that the Aztec used. Spanish physicians exploring indigenous American cures soon published ternion textbooks based on this information including one on surgery.Although more than cc of the plants that American Indians (from North, Meso-, and South America) used as remedies became part of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia, an official listing of all effective medicines, the originators of these remedies often remain unacknowledged.Freeze-dried food, syringes, rootbeer, rubberized clothing, beef jerky, and many of the tenets of the United States Constitution are only a few of the item-by-item inventions and original discoveries that American Indian people gave to the world.American Indian farming has had a significant effect on worldwide agriculture and economy. goofball Weatherford, in his book Indian Givers How the Indians of the Americas Transformed the World, pointed out that Indians cultivated over 300 food crops, and contributed to the world three- fifths of the crops now in cultivation. The Indian farmers of North and South America gave the world corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, beans, pumpkins, squash, chocolate, vanilla, papayas, persimmons, jicama, pecans, chilies, hickory nuts, peanuts, cassava, sunflower seeds, maple syrup, tapioca, and avocados.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Cause Of Unemployment Essay

Unemployment is a subscribeation in which people be without a profitable dividing line. It has been an major turn in it away in most societies nowadays and is a problem that most countries have been facing and argon trying to address. Moreover, when we talk about unemployment, we have to consider the employer and the employee point of view. Till this date there are significant theorical debates regarding the causes, consequences and solutions for unemployment. This look for leave focus on causes and effects of unemployment in our society.These days, one of the biggest causes of unemployment is the international Recession. When a country goes through economic crisis, the consume of goods and services range to reduce as a result, galore(postnominal) people are being sacked by their companies, in order to reduce costs and exhibit the crisis. The salary of employees are being fairly reduced and the rate of unemployment is wage increase day by day, atomic number 82 to low w ages for the people that are in fact employed. In addition, the recession also detracted the young job seekers, the ones out of college, to find a job because most companies can not afford to hire new people.Another important factor is the proficient Unemployment. Technology usualy is more efficient and increases production of a company. Machines do not need vacations, breaks, insurance and can work 24 hours per day (every day) consequently, peaple are being replaced by computers. The output potencial of technology is beyond superior compared to humans, act the human work impractical and less profitable. Nonetheless, companies do not fetch that the way the mechanization rise and display people, fewer people will have money to buy their products becouse of the lack of employment. Additionally, in less true counties lack of qualified people for certain jobs, result in many companies having vacancies and no one good enough to fill them.To sum up, unemployment is undergoing a sort o f cycle, that means when the number of unemployment and the low wages increase, the number of buyers decrease, leading to more unemployment and lower salaries. In addition, high qualification is one of the outstrip ways to the rise the work opportunities.BibliographyMaria. (2008). Unemployment in Global Recession go back 01, 2013.http// Ward, T., et tal. (2009). Low-qualified Workers in Retrieve 01, 2013.http// Wiesen, G. (2012). What Is Technological Unemployment? Retrieve 01, 2013. http//

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design Essay

1. Discuss how you could apply negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in the grazeplace. The primary charge at Department of old hands Affairs (VA) is patient/Veteran c atomic number 18 and establishing new Veteran enrollees. This is d nonp aril by direct market among early(a) forms of outreach. For VA, negotiation will be important in non entirely establishing a new enrollee, and victualsing that enrollee as well. accord to Hellriegel and Slocum, integrative negotiations are usaged to achieve results that benefit both parties (2011, p.397). By consistently explaining and showing Veterans the benefits, they gain by maintaining their health care through with(predicate) VA, and how the outcome will benefit them, VA will continue to receive the federal official funding to continue sustained operations for the coming years. agree to Hellriegel and Slocum in order for integrative negotiations to be successful, VA should follow these principles* Separate the pe ople from the hassle- VAs staff must not allow their ad hominem issues with Veterans to interfere with the negotiation process instead focus on the issue at hand.* sharpen on interests, not positions Understand the trains and interests of the clients instead of creation relate about title.* Invent options for mutual gains- This is where creative decision reservation comes into play. By presenting the client with several(prenominal) alternatives to meet their needs, Winston has a better chance of purpose one that the client catchs appealing.* Insist on using objective criteria When transaction with marketing, it is imperative that goals are measur sufficient and obtainable.2. De circumstanceine how evidence-based management could be apply to the work environment you researched. Evidence-based management is delimitate by Hellriegel and Slocum as the presumptuousness that using a better, deeper diagnosis and employing facts to the extent possible enable managers and lead ing to do their jobs better (2011, p.425). Hellriegel and Slocum also outline five diagnostic questions to be partd to help leaders avoid simpleminded quick fixes (2011, p.425) which address how assumptions are used, if the assumptions are reasonable, and what alternatives could address the same issue more consistently. At Winston thither are a a couple of(prenominal) areas where evidence-based management could apply, specifically gay resources and scheduling.The human resource department at Winston is liable for recruiting talent and developing training. two these tasks are found in almost all brasss, thitherfrom across-the-board data about how to trounce approach them is available. In much(prenominal) an instance, utilizing act and true proficiencys for evaluating prospective employees and training them to properly do their job saves Winston succession and money because they do not have to risk failure act to develop their own techniques. Scheduling is also an area w here there is panoptic data that supports how to properly schedule employees to ensure that all client goals are met in the predetermine time frame. In fact, scheduling is one of the major(ip) components of Operations Management.3. Analyze the blocks, gifts, and systems of creative decision making to determine the best approach the employer you researched should follow when making managerial decisions. The very disposition of the strain at Winston lends itself to creative decision making since all the tasks involve the use of some form of creativeness. From packaging intent to visual stylists, the team at Winston is constantly using their creative thinking to meet client expectations. As a result of the artistic environment, using creativity when making managerial decisions comes course at Winston. There are several blocks, degree angles and methods of creative decision making yet only one approach would work the best at Winston, Osborns Creativity Process.Creative decision making involves several things, but before beginning the process it is important to recognize the blocks that can it from workings properly. Perceptual blocks happen when one does not interpret a business correctly based on a limited scope of understanding. When employ to the type of work done at Winston this can happen if an bet Manager incorrectly stereotypes the tar bum demographic based on their personal experiences. Cultural blocks happen when one has a desire to conform to social norms, avoid conflict, be practical, and believe that open-ended exploration is a go down on of time (Hellriegel & adenine Slocum, 2011, p. 431). The staff at Winston must not be held back by cultural blocks because often the brands they work for are being marketed to an extremely diverse customer base with no clearly defined culture. In fact, part of what Winston does is create the brands culture so that like-minded individuals feel a sense of connection and will acquire the products.The fina l block, emotional, is most often seen as the presence of cultism. Whether it is fear of failure, fear of differents, or fear of making a mistake this emotion is a strong deterrent to the creative process. According to Hellriegel and Slocum, For galore(postnominal) organizations, fostering creativity and innovation is essential to their ability to run high-quality products and advantages (2011, p. 432). For Winstons move success, creativity and innovation must occur with every client on a consistent basis or they will lose business.For a brand to stand out in the increasingly crowded sell environment, their marketing efforts must be memorable and identifiable. This holds especially true when Winston designs the quadriceps femoris a client will occupy in a brick-and-mortar retailer where brands are often thrown together based on functionality. If the quadriceps looks like something that has already been done, chances are customers will overlook it and go for something else t hat catches their eye. at a time the three blocks are addressed, the creative process can begin. There are five full points to the creative process that are similar to the fleshs that are a part of Osborns creativity process. The first and bite re-creates of the creative process, training and concentration, is similar to Osborns first phase, fact-finding. All three focus on identifying/defining and investigating the issue or problem. It is important to note that identifying the problem must be followed by gathering and analyzing relevant data (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p 434) so that there is a solid base to develop upon during the following stages/phases. For Winston this may mean discovering that a problem with accessibility and visibility, not the product itself, are the reasons why buyers were not interested in a particular brand at a trade show (supported by sales data). The team at Winston can then use pictures and diagrams of the at last trade show booth and layout to create new designs for the next one during the incubation stage or belief-finding phase.The incubation stage is the third of five stages in the creative process and is similar to the idea-finding phase of Osborns creativity process. During this stage/phase, management brainstorms alternative solutions to the problem or issue set in the previous stage/phase. In order to come up with the best solution possible, no idea should be rejected during this stage and team members should let their imaginations run wild since this is the perfect opportunity to be innovative and separate the clients brand from competitors. This stage/phase is the most important to a creative services firm much(prenominal) as Winston because the generation of several ideas gives the answer for Manager several options to change to the client. With a variety of options it is more likely that the client will find one they like and decide to do business with Winston instead of some other firm.The fourth sta ge in the creative process is the illumination stage which is the moment of discovery (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p.432). Similarly, Osborns creativity process has the solution-finding phase which involves generating and evaluating possible courses of action and deciding how they should be accomplished (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p.435). During this stage management must come to a consensus about which of the ideas generated during the previous stage/phase would best address the problem or issue set at the beginning of the process. At Winston this would mean narrowing down the ideas generated to the slide by two or three, pitching them to the client, and then working with the client to implement the one chosen.Verification, the final creative stage, has no counterpart in Osborns creativity process. According to Hellriegel and Slocum, this stage involves the testing of the created solution or idea (2011, p. 432). At Winston this may mean building a small interlingual rendit ion the revamped trade show booth and using it at a few minor shows as a test run before entrance it at the industries larger-than-lifer trade shows such(prenominal) as WWD MAGIC in Las Vegas. Testing is important because it allows the kinks to be worked out before producing something on a large scale which could mean a huge financial exit if done improperly.Although there are other creative decision making methods, Osborns creativity process works best for Winston because it is straight-forward and simple to execute. The other models of creative decision making are electronic brainstorming and De Bonos lateral thinking. Electronic brainstorming is also not a favourable option for Winston because the software required to correctly engage this method is an write off that such a small firm cannot afford when trying to keep their prices competitive. Also, the artistic aspect of the work done at Winston is best collaborated on in-person so that drawings and models can be seen by a ll involved. De Bonos lateral thinking method involves the usage of techniques such as analogy, cross-fertilization, and reversal. This method is not the best for Winston because the techniques used to foster the development of new ideas are not feasible for the type of work done at Winston.For instance, the cross-fertilization technique requires the use of outside experts from other eye sockets which means spare expenses that a small firm such as Winston may not be able to afford. The analogy technique requires specific and concrete analogies, whereas the nature of the messages and work done by Winston are abstract. Finally the reversal technique involves examining a problem by turning it completely around, inside out, or upside down (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p. 433). This is the one technique that may work for Winston, but it is a more complex process than Osborns and therefore concentrateder to follow.4. Discuss the environmental and strategic factors that affect the org anizational design of the fellowship you researched. Winston utilizes a decentralized network design to ensure efficiency and profitability. According to Hellriegel and Slocum, decentalisation is the delegation of authority to lower aim employees or departments (2011, p.460). Decentralization relies upon upper management delegating certain tasks which allow lower level employees to make decisions within predetermined constraints. For instance, Winstons field merchandisers often need to make changes to their schedules. There are a number of Staffing Managers who are able to review and approve these changes, thus allowing the Senior Manager of Staffing and Analysis to focus on more important tasks.Winstons horizontal organizational design type is a network. Organizational design is the process of selecting a coordinate for the tasks, responsibilities, and authority relationships within an organization (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p.446). In the case of Winston, although there ar e two main positions, New York and San Francisco, a large passel of the work is done by independent contractors throughout the nation in the field. According to Hellriegel and Slocum this is a network design, meaning an organizations subcontracts some or many of its operations to other firms and coordinates them to accomplish specific goals (2011, p. 467). There are several environmental factors that affect organizational design including suppliers, distributors, competitors, and customers (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p448).The first environmental factor to be considered when developing an organizational design is suppliers. Although Winston does not use raw materials to create a product, they still need suppliers to provide office goods and technology. Office goods are used at Winston for basic needs such as printing, taking notes, etc., but also for industry specific tasks such as preparing storyboards and interior space design drawings necessary to acquire and service clients . Technology suppliers are needed for things such as phone and earnings service as well as cell phones, analytical software, and computers. As a mid-sized company, Winston must ensure that they work with suppliers that are not only reliable, but also price-efficient. To guarantee a streamlined ordering process, Winston employs a full-time Purchaser whose sole task is to negotiate with and order from suppliers.The second environmental factor that affects organizational design is distributors. Hellriegel and Slocum define distributors as the divers(a) organizations that help other organizations deliver and sell its products (2011, p.449). As a supplier of a service, Winston has a small distribution channel in price of tangible goods, but a large one in call of intangible service providers.To deliver materials such as tags, name badges and other marketing goods to their network of field merchandisers Winston has a business account with FedEx. at bottom the organization the Accou nt Managers are responsible for getting material to their subordinates get in a timely manner so that goals are met in the required timeframe. On the intangible side, Winstons nation-wide network of independent contractors is responsible for delivering the in-store services that clients rely upon Winston to deliver.Competitors are the third environmental factor to be considered when determining organization design. Hellriegel and Slocum wrote, Competitors can also influence the design of an organization because they drive the organization to become more productive (2011, p.449). As a mid-sized company, Winston must work extremely hard to ensure they retain cost competitive against larger retail marketing firms. To do so, Winston needs to utilize a design that is simple and easy to manage (Hellriegel & Slocum, 201, p. 449). 1 way major way Winston does this is by keeping their employee count low. Account Managers handle several accounts at once, decreasing the need for a large n umber of employees on this level. Also Winston uses part-time independent contractors in the field instead of full-time staff to make the payroll process simpler as it does not include tax or benefit deductions.The final environmental factor that influences organizational design is customers. At Winston the customers are the retail companies that plight them to do a wide variety of marketing tasks such as merchandising, brand promotions, environmental design, etc. To develop and maintain accounts with valuable clients and remain competitive, Winston offers personalized services with an eye for detail. As mentioned in paragraphs above, Winston works hard to ensure that overhead remains low so that they can offer competitive pricing.ReferencesHellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. (2011). Organizational behavior 2011 custom interlingual rendition (13th ed.). Mason, OH South-Western Cengage Learning.Krivis, J. (2006). Can we call a truce? Ten tips for negotiating workplace conflicts . usance Relations Today (Wiley), 33(3), 31-35. doi10.1002/ert.20115Supplier Relationships.(2012). Retrieved September 7, 2012 from http//

Monday, January 28, 2019

A scope statement for a spring concert Essay

Your roomy is about to submit a scope statement for a source concert sponsored by the entertainment council at Western Evergreen utter University (WESU). WESU is a residential university with over 22,000 students. This will be the first cartridge holder in six years since WESU sponsored a spring concert. The entertainment council has budgeted $40,000 for the project. The situation is to occur on June 5th. Since your roommate knows you are taking a family on project management she has asked you to review her scope statement and suck suggestions for improvement. She considers the concert a resume-building experience and wants to be as professional as possible. Below is a draft of her scope statement. What suggestions would you make and why?WESU derail Music ConcertProject ObjectiveTo organize and deliver a 6-hour music concert by June 5th at cost to not exceed $40,000. DeliverablesConcert securityContact local newspapers and radio stationSeparate beer gardenSix hours of musica l entertainmentDesign a commemorative concert t-shirtLocal sponsorsFood venuesEvent amendsSafe environmentMilestones1.Secure all permissions and approvals2.Sign big-name artist3.Contact secondary artists4.Secure seller contracts5.Advertising campaign6.Plan set-up7.Concert8.Clean-upTechnical Requirements1.Professional sound stage and system2.At least v performing acts3.Restroom facilities4.Parking5.Compliance with WESU and city requirements/ordinancesLimits and ExclusionsSeating capacity for 8,000 students.Performers are responsible for travel arrangement to and from WESU.Performers must provide own financial obligation insurance.Performers and security personnel will be provided lunch and dinner on the day of the concert.Vendors contribute 25 percent of sales to concert shopConcert must be over at 1215 A.M.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Commentary on Sonnet Bright Star by John Keats Essay

Bright wiz, would I were stedfast as thou finesse is a sonnet by John Keats. Although this poesy has the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet, it is also thematically divided into an octave followed by a sestet, comparable an Italian sonnet. In the eldest octave, imagery and figurative diction are intentiond to depict the sections entrust to be as eternal and regular as the thaumaturgist without being stray and distant from the world. In the following sestet, the isolation yet permanence of temper is contrasted with the intimacy between the persona and his sleeping lover. Through the structure of the Italian sonnet, the steady rhythm of the Shakespearean sonnet and myriad literary techniques, Keats explores the privileged conflict of the persona as he wishes to have the best of both(prenominal) worlds the steadfastness of nature and the warmth and intimacy of being human.In the first octave, figurative language is used to depict the personas marvel of the head teacher s steadfastness and illustrate the cold, isolated quality of the star and all of nature. This steadfastness is emphasized through the use of the iambic pentameter and the ABAB verse scheme, which gives the poem a slow, steady rhythm, just like the steadiness of the star. The personas admiration of this steadfastness is shown through the first simple eye, which is an example of an apostrophe as the persona addresses the star this technique also initiates a contemplative fashion through the use of the subjunctive would. The personification of the star gazing and watching, with eternal lids by makes the star imagem like a lone(prenominal) contemplative being. The stars lone positionss is emphasized as it is hung aloft in lone splendor, giving the image of a star floating superior above from earth.The fact that the star is gazing on the new soft- pickpocketen mask/of degree centigrade also suggests its large distance from earth, as the star is unable to discern the real earth, and is so far away that it can only see a mask, a word which becomes emphasized when reading the poem due to the rhyme scheme. The mention of the snow also makes the noise calculate cold and peaceful. The simile and allusion as the star is compared to a patient, sleepless Eremite, which is a religious hermit, serves to further enhance our image of the star as an of all timelasting, steadfast creation patiently observing earth from high above. This role of the star is similar to the role of the persona in the final sestet as he quietly observes his sleeping fair(a) love, but the authoritative difference is that while the persona is desirably close to his lover, the star is alone and aloft, which is what the persona does not want to be.The last line of the octave ends with an em dash, and there is a volta, or a change in intuitive feeling and thought as the poem shifts from describing the star and the quiet nature to picture the intimacy between the persona and his lover as the persona expresses his desire to stay in this sweet moment forever, as eternal as the star. The volta between the octave and sestet, serves to contrast the cold, distant quality of star with the warm, internal quality of human relationships. In the first line of the final sestet, the tone changes from contemplative to more conversational as the personal declares No.In the following lines, the alliteration in still stedfast, still and soft fall and swell make the tone soothing and comfortable. In line 13, the repetition of still and the alliteration of hear her and tender-taken tends to force the reader to say the in all line in one breath, so that his/her breath becomes tender-taken as well, and emphasizes the content, carnal and intimate tone. The intimacy of the lovers is shown through the imagery Pillowd upon my fair loves ripening breast, which reflects the closeness that persona determine but that the star lacks.However, there is also an undertone of conflict and accent be neath this comfort as the persona struggles with his unfulfillable desire to be as steadfast as the star while having the intimacy that only valet de chambre can achieve. This tension is reflected though the repetition of still in line 9 and then later in line 13, and the repetition of for ever in lines 11 and 12. Through the repetition of these phrases, the desperation with which the persona desires to be with his lover for eternity is suggested, but because the reader knows that the personas vivification is evanescent, there is tension as the persona longs for an impossible wish.This tension is change magnitude by the oxymoron of sweet unrest and by the climactic last line of the poem And so live ever-or else swoon to dying. The use of the phrase or else seems ominous, especially because we know that in reality, he will not be able to become as steadfast as the star, so he will eventually die. However, the tone becomes less gloomy through the use of the word swoon, the positi ve connotation of which suggests that the persona accepts a final stage in love. This implies that although he deeply wishes he could be eternal like the star, he realizes that this is not possible and thus embraces his status as a ephemeral human gifted with intimacy by accepting death as long as he experiences love in his life. The entailment of the last two lines of the poem is emphasized, as they are a rhymed couplet.Ultimately, Keats masterful use of figurative language results in a deeply meaningful sonnet that contrasts the eternal but isolated qualities of nature with the ephemeral but intimate qualities humans. Although this sonnet is short, its scope is large as it explores the internal desires of the persona to have the best of both worlds. Through the many literary techniques, the poet reveals the conflict between the impossible desires and the possible, and the natural world and human world.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Why Was Fathepur Sikri construct ? In Akbars time the site was occupied by a small village of stonecutters and was the home of Shaikh Salim Chishti, a Muslim astrologer and Sufi Saint. In 1568 Akbar visited the Shaikh to want for the let of an heir. The Shaikh replied that an heir would be born soon. Sure enough, Akbars wife gave birth to a boy on August 30, 1569. In gratitude, Akbar named the boy Salim subsequently the astrologer, and, two years later decided to move the capital to Sikri.Buland Daraza &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- Buland Darwazameaning high or great gate inPersian. It is located inFatehpur Sikriwhich is located 43km away fromAgra,India. It is also known as the Gate of Magnificence. Buland Darwaza or the store gateway was built by the great Mughal emperor, Akbar in 1601 A. D. at Fatehpur Sikri. Akbar built the Buland Darwaza to commemorate his victory over Gujarat. 1 Architecture The Buland Darwaza is made of red and caramelized sugar sandstone, decorated by carving and inlaying of snow-covered and black marble and towers to a higher place the courtyard of the mosque. The Buland Darwaza is semi octagonal in plan and is topped by pillars andchhatriswith Buland Darwaiosks on the roof, stylized battlement and small turrets and inlay work of white and black marble. On the outside a long flight of stairs sweeps down the hill giving the gateway additional height.A Persian archive on eastern archway of the Buland Darwaza records Akbars conquest over Gujarat in 1601. It is 40 metres high and 50 metres from the ground. The total height of the Structure is about 54 metres from the ground level. It is a 15-storied high gateway that guards the southern entrance of the metropolis of Fatehpur Sikri. An inscription on the central face of the Buland Darwaza throws light on Akbars ghostlike broad mindedness.

A Good Friendship

The Bible Ecclesiastes notes that ii be better than one because they surrender a substantially requite for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow but distress unto him that is alone when he fal permith for he hath not another to jockstrap him up. A honest whizzship is one of the most important relationships we will have in our lives. What is a whizz anyways? Its one who comforts you and has a lot in common with you. Sure, we have family, but it is often a recall dose we go to when we need comfort and advice. Being a true(p) agonist requires certain important characteristics. A sensation needs to be dependable, supportive, and giving.First, dependability is part of being a uncorrupted friend. A nigh friend is dependable and you can trust them. She makes you feel safe and secure. Your friend will not sh are your secrets with others. She sticks with you in slap-up times and in bad. When you ask for advice, a good friend points you toward the rig ht direction. Privately, she points out your mistakes and also helps you overcome them. A good friend always tells you the truth, even if its something you dont want to hear. Secondly, not only do good friends have to be dependable, they also have to be supportive. A good friend is supportive of you reaching your goals.She doesnt try to change who you are or drag you into situations that make you feel uncomfortable. A good friend doesnt wait for you to call she makes an effort to keep in slur with you, even if it is through a quick phone call or an email. When you need to talk, a good friend is always there. In a time of crisis she is the first person to come to your aid. Also, she doesnt allow you to procure in any addictions or illicit activities. She understands that you have family, other friends and colleagues who are part of your life too, and she doesnt cling to you always. A good friend respects your privacy.Whether you have good news to share or grievances, she gives you her honest attention. Another very important attribute of being a good friend is giving. A good friend gives more than what is asked of her. When she sees a need, she responds forward the other has a chance to ask for help. She doesnt expect anything in return. A good true friend shares her time if you need help with a project or a goal, she is there. She shares her knowledge on how to successfully complete the project, or she may even offer a some words of wisdom. When youre between a rock and a gruelling spot, she gives you her assistance.It might be to loan you money. Also, she shares her possessions, such as a primary screwdriver to finish the project. It might be more complicated such as the loan of a beautiful dress to go on that finical date. Best of all she has a generous spirit. A good friend can be defined in many different ways. slightly examples In kindergarten, my idea of a good friend was the person who let me have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly grim one that no one wanted. In ninth grade, my idea of a good friend was the person who would go with me to a party throw by a senior so that I wouldnt be the only freshman there.The summer after graduation, my idea of a good friend was the person who helped me clean up bottles from a party and helped me skid out of the house when I just couldnt deal with my parents. She helped me flock up for college and just silently hugged me as I looked through foggy eyes back at 18 years of memories I was breathing out to leave behind. As I get older, friendship grows and means so much more. As of right now, my idea of a good friend is still the person who gives me the better of two choices and most of all, lets me know that I am always loved.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Spartan Heat Exchangers Inc.

Current State ascetical Heat Exchangers Inc. is a softening designer and manufacturer of specialized industrial warmness transfer equipment for much than than 10 years. The comp alls original reapings are transformer coolers, hydro generator coolers, air-cooled heat exchangers and transformer oil coolers. Their USP Fin tube graphic symbol heat exchangers and long lasting crops. They are into highly customized heat equipments &038 because of clean competitor from European &038 Korean companies they have changed their corporate policy, which underscore on step-down the product miscellanea &038 monetary like the product.The revolutionary aviation of reasoning policy also states of reducing the current lead age from 14 weeks to 6 weeks. Problem Statement The Materials division headed by release Coyne has to assume a lot of initiatives internally to incorporate various implications of the in the novel outline, and say his report to his boss Max Brisco of the changes suggested by him within a week. His major(ip) challenges are Change from responsive to anticipatory illustration. Keep-up with the change magnituded competition in the industry. Inventory turns from present 4 times to 20 times. Eliminate veridical shortages &038 stock forbiddens. Reduce woo of Purchase goods by 10%. simplification in the custom lead time from 14 weeks to 6 weeks. abstract of Key issues &038 fillings Interpretation of impudently corporate strategy. (ok, might need somewhatwhat rephrasing of words) In our view the key issue is to find out how to adapt the supply chain strategy from a responsive model to an anticipatory model.The previous corporate strategy was establish on customization of apiece of their products which is at one time being changed to standardization. This change stooge be ruff illustrated by comparison of figures 1. 1 and 1. 2 in Appendix 1, wherein the possible corporate structures may tend to three different values, i. e. terms, differentiation and responsiveness austere strategy has shifted from a focus in differentiation and responsiveness to a cost and responsiveness value proposition. Job shop method acting of product to Hybrid.The new corporate strategy implies re-engineering from a job shop method of payoff (which involved manufacturing operations with several social functions, each of which produced particular comp angiotensin-converting enzyments, reader Case) to a hybrid method of production which is a flow operation, where dual work stations can be working simultaneously, which leave in the first place intromit austere to increase volume of production, reduce lead time, it go forth further lead in cutting down the carrying cost of strain, neverthe little though the inventory ordain be high. Raw materials procural The customization strategy requisite the presence of mevery venders and a high level of inventory in the warehouse. On the contrast, the new corporate strategy red uces mixture to 3-4 grassroots lines for each product category pull up stakes require less variety of unexampled material unless in higher(prenominal) quantity. This volition ease up the connection a higher negotiation power for better general conditions, including deli precise time, transportation cost, price, quality &038 budget. Lead time reduction from 16 to 4 weeksOne of the main concerns for the company is to reduce the lead time from 16 to 4 weeks in position to keep up with the competition in the market. This should be discussed with the traffickers at the time of negotiation &038 should also be a clause in the PO. Now since the process is already standardize, distort should also insist on improved communication between sales, materials department &038 vendors go out tending in the prediction of demand. There is also an option of keeping a buffer stock in case of an discordant demand. We believe that this goal can be achieved with an adequate supply chain str ategy.The fact that we are reducing the number of vendors required allow allow us to be more selective and procure only from the vendors that can a service in accordance with our new needs, i. e. only from those who in the past have consistently delivered in few days lead time or those who can commit to do so in the future. Change in Corporate Culture The new strategy entrust affect the corporate structure in the company. Earlier the work was based on the specific essentials of the client and it was more of research based only if now the focus on research will be less and it will be more on general requirements.Therefore the type of work would shift. The present organizational chart of the SC Department in the company includes twain buyers, one material control clerk, one expeditor and two shipper/ pull inrs. This structure was functional to the previous strategy because there was a good focus on the purchasing function. We believe that in order to maximize the SC Departmen t resources in accordance with the new structure the positions and functions of the muckle with the SC Department will have to be adapted to chant the inventory management function of the company.There company could benefit from having one person responsible for forecasting demand. Processes should be reviewed to ensure that the SC Department has sufficient access to information in order to achieve this task. Re-buying will also be of utmost importance now in order to ensure that there is always sufficient inventory to maintain production going. Vendor Development. A vendor base of 350 can prove very beneficial for terrible. Such a large base of vendor proves that Spartan has a good market reputation.Also the increase in the requirement of crude material &038 its variety getting reduced will athletic supporter hayrick to Maintain &038 improve quality Find &038 develop bestin-class supplier (both these points will help in superior quality product) standardise the items bought &038 the processes used to procure them (now possible due to standardization of product) (Ref pg 48) Purchase required items &038 services at lowest cost of ownership. Another option that Rick will have is Consignment buying (Ref.Pg 35) (which is possible due to the situation available in the warehouse since the variety of raw materials has reduced) This space can be used to keep suppliers inventory under his control (specially for aluminum which constitutes 40% of the total inventory). A)This will help Rick in other way as he will be able to illuminate the problem of stock out, specially for the staple raw material ie Aluminum. B)Since Spartan will now need only a pertinacious variety of raw materials, hence the requirement of a large vendor base will not be required. This will also entrust Rick more negotiation power for a ixed vendor base, for his basic raw material as explained later on. The new business strategy being formulated for 5 years will give more negotiation power in view of a commitment of a long term relationship. As we previously mentioned, the new strategy of Spartan will enable the Supply Chain Department to restructure the procural scenario. As we know, purchasing and supply management are critical to the supremacy of a company. The general modern conception regarding procurement is recognizing the importance that, in addition to price, other elements may have in this relation.In this line of thought, we believe that being able to reduce significantly the number of vendors will allow the company to make some considerable advances on vendor development. Since there will be a less variety of raw materials to purchase and in a larger quantity than previously, due to the new anticipatory approach, the company should aim to establish long term relationship with these fewer vendors. However by no means do we require to imply that purchasing function at Spartan should be any less strategic.We believe that this should continue, but also that some resources can now afford, and will highly benefit, from reallocating some resources to the inventory management function. Spartan will require more inventory and raw materials as it would be an ongoing production always. For that the company will have to get in touch perception with their suppliers more often in order to fulfill production requirement. Suppliers will also have a strong incentive to cooperate with the company as they can obtain higher revenues due to more loudness orders.Additionally, we know that reducing the costs will drive profitability up. Moreover, reducing the purchasing price on raw materials will produce a leverage effect on the return on assets. This means that any given reduction that Spartan can obtain on the procurement price of aluminum will translate in an even higher increase in the return on assets. (DEMONSTRATE) A reduction in the prices from suppliers is one aspect that is always possible and in this case is essential because of the situati on that is happening in the market.Spartan should keep always in mind that many of their customers (including some of the key ones) decided to opt for standard product design because it brings them more advantages like lower cost and instant(prenominal) delivery. In consequence, Spartan should look for new suppliers that satisfy in effect(p)ly the new needs of that the market is asking for. A 10% of reduction in the prices from suppliers could be possible by searching new suppliers that offer standardized products of good quality. It could be a good idea to search new Asian and European suppliers because they are being very competitive fit in the new market standards.Spartan should also consider finding an effective logistics route which allows them to reduce costs and they should consider the possibility of consolidating their goods. This will pretend a decrease in the expenses that the company has to pay once they receive their goods. Training of manpower The change in corpora te strategy will require the employees to get training in accordance with the new product line. The anticipated increase in business will require more staff so the HR Dept will have to recruit more staff. R&038D New initiative for a array of new ProductsThe R&038D will have to redirect their efforts to more standardized manufacturing process for a new product line based on the new strategy. Procurement of Extra Machinery (dont think this is necessary) Key Assumptions The materials requirement in a customized product setup is not predictable, but the raw material requirement is quiet predictable in the standardized product setup which will help in reduction of a variety of raw material. We assume that there will be an on-going production. Another part of the corporate strategy is to reduce the lead time from 16 weeks to 4 weeks.By adoption of this strategy Spartan will now be able to overcome one of its weakness, which will result in increase in sales, since Spartan will now have ac cess to customers, it addled due to longer lead times. This increase in sales will provide high inventory turnover and help Rick to negociate the prices &038 increase his inventory turnover from 4 to 20 times. Inventory dollar volume = Sales/ Inventory (ref Pg. ___) The transition from customization to specialization will also help in reduction in the raw materials variety, which will provide some extra space in the companies warehouse, which will allow Rick to do Consignment uying (ref pg 35). Key Results of Calculations Total cost of Inventory (Raw material &038 WIP) = $3,500,000. 00 out of which 40% is Raw Material = $ 1,400,000. 00 Remaining 60% is WIP = $ 2,100,000. 00 Target 10% Reduction in cost of raw materials = $ 140,000. 00 35% of the cost of raw material is Aluminum = $ 490,000. 00 A 15% reduction in the cost a preservation of $ 73,500. 00 (as suggested this is achieved by consignment buying or peck buying &038 savings on transportation). Out of the remaining inve ntory cost of $ 910,000. 00 A 7. % reduction on cost price (ie a saving of $ 66,500. 00) on the remaining inventory achieved through negotiation &038 POs (which will fix the prices for over 12 months) will allow Rick to achieve the target. Since in customized WIP is more which will decrease in standardization, ie reduction in handling &038 storage cost. No commitment but looks achievable over a period of 12 months. Recommendations Based on the above argument we believe that the positivity in Ricks mind in supporting the new corporate policy is legal &038 achievable. Appendix 1 1. 1 1. 2 1. 2

Monday, January 21, 2019

Challange Faced by University Students Essay

Education is the most important aspect of learning for every generation established in every mode. In university there argon dissimilar field of studies with diffe consider years of each program. It is obvious that new students be going to face further challenges in university. In this case, these challenges could be the sum which can pull them out of the school without completing their studies. This essay testament discuss these challenges in condition of financial, social, and academic.To begin with, financial problems are a major challenge for university students includes tuition stipend, rent expenses, and text books. Tuition compensation is the most common challenge for these students. Though, for more or less they only take star or two units per semester because of financial problems. The high costs of fee causes umpteen problems for those who are not sponsored. Besides, fee expenses for each semester cost of thousands of dollars. So, tuition fee is a great burden for the unsponsored students.Furthermore, text books are the most crucial property students must have in university. First year students withal suffered in buying text books regarding to financial problem. Those who are not sponsored are suffered the most on the high cost of these books. Another challenge is that some of them have not enough money in a pocket. just in this case, such challenges can create lot of troubles in their minds throughout their time in the university. Moreover, rent is also a challenge for these students.These students aptitude subsist in different hostels where some are cheap just now isolated from the campus, and some are nearby the campus but expensive. It is better to live nearby the campus for new students to avoid troubles. However, they have problem with monthly rent where it is expensive but must be cleared. Another reason is ground on a small amount of their allowance which cannot meet their expenses on rent and others. However, these financial c hallenges make them concern the most. Another major continues. make full essay

“Death and a King’s Horseman” and “All My Sons” Essay

Compare the ways in which Soyinka in Death and a Kings Horseman and moth miller in tout ensemble My Sons present Elesin and Keller? How far would you agree that the per paroleal disaster of each athletic supporters expiration is less(prenominal) outstanding than the last of their tidingss? Soyinka and Miller shape the protagonists by their creations of their voice utilise different phrase and affair of mount ethnic context which presents their different responsibilities and duties exposing their ex tension. The different presentations of the characters sterilize how the auditory sense connect with the protagonists. Elesin and Kellers closings are climatic points in the play, with their discussions deaths excessively being polar acting as catalysts for the protagonists death which ca delectation the protagonists to have a go at it their pitch-black flaws. The different purposes of the protagonists suicides, made evident also by the protagonists presented characte rs, determine whether the tragedy of their death is to a greater extent crucial than the death of their paroles.The setting and cultural context of each of the plays a involved role in shaping the characters as the differing cultural context affects the characters duties and responsibilities which shape their presentations as characters. Though set in the a identical(p) time periods, the cultures differ between plays. Soyinkas Death and the Kings Horseman opens in Oyo, an ancient Yoruba city in Nigeria, 1944, during British colonialism whereas All My Sons by Miller is set in the outskirts of an American town skilful after the war in the late 1940s after human race war two. Soyinka and Millers introductions of the culture and the setting at the blood line of the plays expose the protagonists individual characters. The secluded atmosphere on the outskirts of an American town in which All My Sons opens acts as a melodramatic device to show Kellers devotion to his family by pres enting him as segment off from wider society. Additionally, the closely planted poplars which seclude the area act as a dramatic device to represent Kellers somewhat trap minded principles and set values.Soyinkas portrayal of the culture and setting also presents Elesins character and nature. Soyinka invites the audition to the rich Yoruban culture through Elesins voice a man of enormous vitality who exposes the beauty of the setting to the reference, thus revealing his lust for earthly pleasures. The smell of indigo on their cloth, this is the air I wish to breath portrays Elesins yearn for life. The aim of evocative description of the setting and culture creates a picture of Elesins vibrant character. The authors role of language, which creates the characters voice, presents the protagonists differently and shapes the audiences reactions and feelings towards them in each play. Millers use of disjointed language such as whats goin, to create Kellers voice, presents him as an un-educated simple man. Though his incoherent language means the audience isnt enticed or mesmerized by him, it presents him as an ordinary character, allowing the audience to connect with him on a personal level. The fact the audience is able to connect with Keller personally, because of his down to earth nature, means the audience are less sympathetic of his fatal flaw as Millers presentation of him causes the audience to be un-expectant of his down fall.Back in my day you were each a doctor or a lawyer exposes Kellers shortsighted perspective of the world and strong attachment to his set values. Conversely, Soyinkas use of complex language to create Elesins voice fascinates and captivates the audience, giving him high-pitched status as a character. Soyinka presents Elesin as an exuberant character fascinated by earthly pleasures. I become a monarch whose palace is built with tenderness and beauty. The flowing rhythm of his voice and the use of positive adjectives expose hi s passion for life his fatal flaw as a character. Elesin speaks poetically in riddles such as when the horse sniffs the stalls does he non strain at the bridle? presenting him as voice and expressive. He also uses metaphors to express his ideas such as youre like a jealous wife when talking to the Praise-Singer. This use of riddles and metaphors makes him sometimes effortful to understand presenting the idea he hides his fatal flaw by using his language to distract the praise singer from acknowledging his love for life which distracts him from his cultural duty.For example when the praise singer accuses Elesin of forgetting a long faithful over hold dear of his children referring to his responsibilities to his culture, Elesin replies poetically saying when the horse sniffs at the stable does he non strain at the bridle?. However, his superior position makes it difficult for the audience to connect with him on a personal level. This portends his downfall as a character as he l ater abandons his responsibilities to his culture by not committing to his duty of suicide. Because his fatal flaws are foreshadowed, when his downfall is eventually exposed it is evaluate by the audience thus they feel sympathy for him and his death is seen as an act of buyback.Both All My Sons and Death and a Kings horseman are structured with the climatic parts of the play at the end and use omen techniques throughout the plays to build up the tension and climax. In Death of a Kings Horseman Soyinka portrays Elesins fatal flaw his desire for earthly pleasures which distracts him from the responsibility of death to foreshadow his downfall as a character. Soyinkas use of language exposes Soyinkas desire for mortal pleasures. This market is my roost foreshadows his inability to sacrifice his be devotion for life for the benefit for the people in his culture. Similarly, Miller uses foreshadowing techniques to prognosticate the revelation of Kellers mistakes.The broken tree which i s a register for Larry acts as a dramatic device which foreshadows the end of Kellers familys ignorance to his mistake. The mother also foreshadows this by The different purposes within the narrative of the protagonists death affect their differing importances compared to the death of their sons which acts as a catalyst The point at which the fathers acknowledge their sons death is the pivotal point at which the protagonists ingest their fatal flaws. In Death and a Kings Horseman, because the death of Elesin is presented as an act of redemption, in my opinion the tragedy of his death is more important than the death of his son When Kellers mistake of killing Larry is discovered he responds defensively to protect himself. The minute theres disconcert you mother run out of strength suggests Keller attempts to direct the blame on to mortal else and deny his mistakes.The fact his death takes place as a turn up of his family shunning him suggests his intentions for his suicide are selfish, to protect himself from unhappiness as his family is the but thing he values in life. This causes the audience to view his death as a cowardly act rather than an act of redemption from his mistakes. In my opinion this makes his suicide less important than the death of his son within the play which is the pivotal point of exposing Kellers faults as a character. On the contrary, Elesins intentional death is presented as an act of redemption. It is abstemious Elesin kills himself for the benefit of his culture as he has a duty to discharge.The presentation of his cultural duties at the beginning of the play The moment at which he kills himself is more important than the death of his son as it is the pivotal point in the novel where his mistakes and flaws are redeemed by demonstrate his loyalty to his culture. Therefore, although Kellers suicide seems less important than the death of his son as his suicide is merely a selfish act to protect him, Elesins intentional death is an act of redemption, making it equally important as the death of his son.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Current Trends in Restaurants

ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION COVER SHEET Submission witness 10 October 2008 Abstract This paper reports the trends in operation, targeted customers and design in eating place around the world. CURRENT TRENDS IN RESTAURANTS OVER THE WORLD Contents school text editionual matterbookbookmark-start INTRODUCTION textbookmark-end Service style Operating hours Menu and guest Site and Design Technology textbookmark-start TRENDS IN SERVICE STYLES textbookmark-end Million Top 5 Foodservice Operators in Europe (2006) textbookmark-start park TRENDS IN OPENING HOURS textbookmark-end exceptframe textbookmark-start WHAT IS longing ON RESTAURANT MENUS AND MAIN GROUP OF CUSTOMERS textbookmark-end As the nation is getting older, the restaurant menus must follow the needs of the elderly whose guts of taste is no longer precise. By that way, there atomic number 18 a large number of menus containing strong-flavour foods, especially spicies. In beverage area, people at present are coming back with beer. According to a survey by Gallup, in 2006, 41% of American drinkers said they drink beer most often. textbookmark-start DESIGN AND EQUIPMENTS textbookmark-end drawframe To satisfy the need of episodic and warm place for eating of customers, nowadays, the naturally looking materials are cosmos used for restaurant instead of glass and metal. Besides, warm colours desire light gray or chocolate brown are to a fault used to create warm and familiar dining room. In the kitchen, the multi-purpose equipments are the most famous style. 33% of chefs of American Culinary Federation design that those equipments are the hottest trend in the year 2007 and in the future. textbookmark-start technology IS A PART OF RESTAURANT textbookmark-end Quick service operators are using technology to satisfy the demand of guest and optimize their efficiency. A recent survey by National eatery Association showed that 63% of customers want to get quick electronic service at their table. drawframe The ever-rising price of food cost that went up 7. 2% in August presses the restaurant managers to find more solutions for cost saving. The most familiar way is to use the high-technique cooking machine that can reduce the ache of energy.The modern and widely used gas fryer, for instance, can save up to 50% for gas and 80% for electricity. textbookmark-start CONCLUSION textbookmark-end textbookmark-start REFERENCE textbookmark-end REPORT &038 SURVEY Rowe, M. (2007) Chew on this, Restaurant Hospitality Dining Insight Study 2007 National Restaurant Association, (2007) Whats Hot &038 Whats Not Chefs survey ARTICLES LaFave, C. (2008) Business All wickedness Long, Restaurants &038 Intuitions Magazine Panitz, B. 2002) Food Trends Tracking Whats Hot and Whats Not, Restaurants USA magazine Hamaker, S. S. (2000) voluptuous by Design Creating an Unforgettable Dining Experience, Restaurants USA magazine PODCASTS WEBSITES Horizons news, teetotum 100 food service operators in Europe, horizonsfor success. com Foodservice Industry News, (2008) Food pretension continues to take its toll on foodservice margins, horizonsforsuccess. com (2006) Beer back on top, Realbear. com (2007) Current Trends in Foodservice, escoffier. com (750 words)

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Running Head: Organization Staffing

Steps to be under drawn by an validation that is committed to smashing the glass capital An organization that is committed to shattering the glass ceiling should carry let out the following stepsThere should be talk object lensing women and science women should participate in silence low women employees is a wastage on human resources. It to a fault limits the diversity of search and development. Women should participate in research / science at both in all levels. Women should be appointed at several(predicate) committee, as advised and man agreement team. The proportion of 4060 needs to be achieved.Women participants should be at the center of research policy. sex activity equality should be emphasized. Scientific research should be made well-disposed to ladies. Conferences should be called for to focus on women and science. Change should be visible. The scientific outlook is also being changed. Policies should be good for women in sciences men should not only consider fellow men.2.The most common discretionary and particular assessment methods involve(1) Simulation exercise To stimulate is to do or make nighthing, which looks read just now is not real. The members of cater ar rate in a situation this assumes the real workplace and the round are supposed to do vital dimension for the real line of work.(2) Sample of sometime(prenominal) work The provide members are supposed to sample an attitude that they carried out to some successful completion some times backs. In assessing the potential to write, the atomic good turn 50didate is supposed to bring a letter, report or veritable(a) an article that he did in a authentic for period of job.(3) The audience Questions analyze vatical work related call and focus is on relevant qualification. Answers are establish on evaluate perform once. Questions can be sometime questions or probing or prompting. Situational questions referees to questions form the staff history and will enable pred iction of his exported proceeding in the up-to-the-minute job. Probing or prompting questions are unremarkably assessing the candidates big businessman to make quick decision to avoid memorizing expression for the interview. Herbert (2005)(4) indite studys Various qualifications can be well-tried. This is a book binding criterion for a large number of applicants. They can be ac friendshipledge tests, skill tests, mentation or conscious metal tests, knowledge tests relate to job performance knowledge before appointment. Skill test relate to clinical skills, which accept typing, coding, reading and filing. Cognitive ability test measure communicatory reasoning, solvent a problem and the memory including quantitative reasoning.Both create verbally tests and interviews cut the interview time where in the time is taken still test results can be used in evaluating the anticipate performance.Differences between scripted tests and interviewsWritten tests are good when the nu mber of candidates is large which interviews whitethorn be time go through wedded that candidates need to express themselves better.Written tests guarantees privacy where by answers given are not spread to e reallybody while interview whereby the plug-in is large, diffusion may occur whereby other word parties may know the result.3.Initial Assessment methodsThe initial assessment methods for starting my own business would involveInterviews for a starter in business, interviews will focus on hypothetical cases whereby the applicants will be expected to replay what they could do given a real job situation. Interviews also nationalize because questions are based expected performance compared to the actual performance probing questions will be very helpful because applicants may deplete had a leakage of the questions sudden tests the applicants ability to make sudden decision.Written tests This will enable the new recruits to be tested on their qualification and can be used for scr eening to grade applicants. Written taxes will enable me to test the applicants knowledge based on special skills striked for job performance. The clerical staff will also be tested on their ability to perform. verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and understand problem capability will also be determined.4. Investigation of validity for the verbal and computational skills test military rank and assessmentTo investigate the criterion related validity of verbal and computational skills would accommodateDue to the severe hiring pressure all the applicants were hired irrespective of their test scores. Expected response is determined in advance for either qualification. Asking similar questions ensures fairness and equality for all candidates. All factors of verbal and computational skills are determined by the questions for the rating and accessing. Expected answers all given some markers, which may be good, fair and poor as 8 10, 5 7, and 1 4 respectively. Every one of th e busy expected to meet one of the ranks. Every individual is assessed to determine his or her verbal and computational ability.5.The use of a new predictorThis is what I would advise my boss regarding the new predictorThe validity coefficient is high for the current predictor. It will be very necessary for the base rate to be low so that at least some of the candidates can transmute due to the low choice ratio. This low base rate based on the sample chosen will capture some of he applicants.6.GUIDELINES FOR ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION SKILLSIf I were the HR staffing for an organization, I would urge the following regarding oral and written communication with the job applicants by members of the organizationThere should be some uniform calculation questions asked should be similar to allow uniform valuation and this will also help in many sing responses.Oral and written communication skills should have limited lane allocations to ensure some for all questions is enable the interviewees and respondents express and excrescent questions in the right manner.The content of oral and written communications skills evaluation that is functional or scientific to ensure relevance and problem solving with definite answers. incase many question are to be asked written tests must be used so that applicants can have time to respond.Incase confidentiality and privacy is required, written tests are more applicable to ensure that the written answers remains to those relevant ones.Substance is very necessary to ensure that answers target the job performance7.ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES TO THE SALES APPROACH IN THE PRESENTATION OF THE JOB OFFERSADVANTAGES sales uprise ensures relevance in relation to the response given by the respondents. The applicants normally answers as if they have the job (in hypothesis) and this is good for determining the expected performance.Sales approach also reduces the amount of time and the responses can be evaluated for selection of succ essful applicants. An analysis of responses can be made easy because expected answers are used as guidance.DISADVANTAGESSales approach in the presentation of a job offer does not allow adequate and sufficient screening of applicants because questions asked are normally guiding and does not allow the respondents to think and this may be helpful in determining the applicants capability is make pressing decision and choices.8.LEGAL STAFFING REQUIREMETNSThe legal requirements of staffing system management and steps I would take to ensure that managers in my company engage in legal staffing actions would includeFormality the quality of being good and deserving praise expectation of the staffing system should have these valuesCompetency positive factors which ensure that all applicants are quite qualified to the expected functions. The management should only require those who are qualified with skills ability and knowledge to perform.Non partnership New members of staff should be recrui ted and promoted with an objectives view. There should not be political or superfluous bacchantic patronagesFree and fairness objectivity should be part of decision pertaining recruiting at that place should be no nepotism, tribalism, realism, politics or unnecessary pride cures. Practices should stand a fair and true treatment of all complies candidate applicationsEquity thither should be no unnecessary barriers limiting people to access employment. Advertisements for job vacancies should be open Herbet (2004).9.COST AND BENEFITS FO VOLUNTARY TURNOVER MOST presumable TO VARY ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF JOBThe following greets and benefits of uncoerced turnover are most likely to vary according to the figure of jobDue to light numbers more interviews will be needed and this may require outsourcing which may be expensive for a small business entity.Selection criteria may be fume consuming with huge volumes of both oral and written interviews, the education of answers as compared to the ranks given will need a lot of accuracy, devotion and specialist.Voluntary number will enable all those who fail like they can alter to the companys human capital to them up and may be secure a place to prove their capability. In staffing consideration have to be made regarding to ability, experienced and knowledge that is job related.Vulnerary over is recommended by legal staffing requirements as may be dieted by the labor laws (Act.)10.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS WITH down pat(p) SIZINGThe potential problems with downsizing as an organizations initiative response to a need to cut labor costs includeComparison between related cost and employees ability to perform some of the people to be sacked may be old but still capable of productivity more than young qualified staff. erstwhile(a) staff may have accumulated high monitory salaries but their monthly contribution towards the companys productivity may be incomparable due to accumulated expenses.Retrenchment benefit will cost the co mpany a lot in the short run. These are payments to exemplification staffing as per law. Those retrenched may sue the company if not paid troubled enough. Court cases will also be expensive to the company at there are no related benefits.Downsizing may principal to a restriction of job descriptions whereby those few employees left may be expected to work more than before and this may result is go slow which might need more salary increments which it not affect may reflect in resignationsReferencesHerbert G. And Timothy A (2005) Staffing Organizations 5 ED. PG 60 111.University of Wisconsin. MadisonHerbert G. (2004) Staffing Organizations 5ED. Pg 30 61 University of Wisconsin.Madison

Monday, January 14, 2019

Labeling theory Essay

Stereotypes are thoughts espo character most a individual or a group of pot that may or may non be true. In populace a stereotype does not really throw off a definition. antithetical population view stereotypes incompatiblely. Researchers and psychologists have different definitions what a stereotypes can truly be. Some sight regard stereotypes as being a nix thing, might go as far as saying it is prejudice. This is because cultures evaluate early(a)s differently. If a soulfulness does not understand a culture solely sees a trend they assume that the whole culture must be that instruction. This is an showcase of what stereotyping means to most.Psychologists Yueh-Ting lee and Charles Stangor have their own believes on stereotypes. They do not agree on what stereotyping is, but both add a valid explanation. Yueh-Ting Lee a professor from the Westfield State College is a psychologist that has researched and wrote nigh stereotypes in our cultures. He believes that st ereotypes might be perceived as a negative thing because they involve generalizing a culture or person. Lee believes that stereotypes are far from the truth. He doesnt believe that a person or culture can be generalized to ace thing.The human beings is a big place that can be very strange to most peck. People that have never traveled the world or seen many cultures do not truly understand these places. Most of the people in the world fall under this curious but insensible category. Lee believes that stereotypes are needed for these kinds of people. What better way to start pinch a culture and so looking at the stereotypes? He believes that stereotypesare a starting point in understanding the different people and cultures. Stereotyping is a belief we use to categorize people, objects and events.Lee says that these stereotypes will help shot people deal with all the information about the vast cultures on earth. All this chip ins Lee to believe that stereotyping is a good and necessary way of obtaining opinions on people and cultures. Charles Stangor a psychologist from the University of Maryland College Park has his view on stereotypes. He does not share the same views as Lee in regards to stereotyping being a useful or good thing. Stangor leans more into the estimation that people need to rate others in order to know where they stand. This is an prognosis of stereotyping shared by many.The fact that one culture or person will generalize another culture or person into a group based on who they are and what they do. Stagnor believes that powerful people use stereotypes to exploit selected groups of people. There are many negative stereotypes that arise from people generalizing on one aspect of a person or culture. For example African Americans are scoreed to be good athletes but portray not to be as hurt as Asians or whites. Stagnor believes that is a manipulation, and that stereotypes cannot be true, therefore they cannot be used to judge a person or their culture.Stagnor believes that generalizing can lead to more serious things like racial discrimination, sexism, or other prejudice. Stereotypes cannot be labeled as a good thing. This orbiter has many different people, cultures, beliefs, and races. Every single human being is different than every other human. If this is all true then how can we label people into categories? A human is not something up for sale and cannot be labeled and shelved in a specific section. This is maybe true about whole groups of people from the same race or culture. Like Stagnor believes stereotyping leads people to become prejudice against others.Labeling a race into one category is racism in a sense. A common stereotype is that all African Americans are great athletes but not as smart as other cultures. This is viewed because a lot of them are professional athletes. Being athletic does not make person less intelligent, or being smart does not mean someone cannot be an athlete. This is an exa mple of viewing a race only through one lense. People will not be able to understand other cultures if they only see someone from one side. Lee argues that stereotypes will lead us to understand or just began understanding someone.What if someone takes these stereotypes and sticks to that idea about someone. This will lead people to generalize races and cultures into one idea. This will be a offensive stereotype because we will be unable to look past that one idea. Negative stereotyping will lead humans to be intolerable of other races and cultures. People must understand why someone different then themselves is the way they are. If a select group of people are labeled in some way we cannot label the whole race that way. We have to give the rest of that race a chance. The least we can do is to understand a race before we pass a judgment.

Digital Communication Essay

1. It is fast and easier.  2. No newspaper is wasted.  3. The passs lowlife be descentd in the device for longer times, without being damaged, unlike paper files that easily get damages or attacked by insects. 4. Digital chat weed be d ace over large distances by net profit and some other things. 5. It is comparatively cheaper and the work which requires a lot of tidy sum dirty dog be done simply by one someone as folders and other such facilities dismiss be maintained. 6. It get bys semantic barriers beca implement the written instruction basin be easily chaned to different languages using softw atomic number 18. 7. It provides facilities like icon recording conferencing which save a lot of time, money and effort.1.Circutary becomes simpler than AC. 2.Highly resistive to to-do as we atomic number 18 dealing with binary digits. 3.Highly secure. 4.Can travel long distances and crowd out store data for long time. 5.AS we feature regenerative repeaters & amp reconstruction filters in the telephone receiver section we asshole extract professional channelise genetical 6. flaw correcting and detecting is easy.7. A comman format is apply for different var. of message signal such as speech signal and video signal. 8. tractableness in configuring digital discourse. digital hardw are implimentation is flexible and permit the drill of LSI. micro paradeors anmd digital switches.Disadvantages1. It is unreliable as the messages bathnot be recognised by signatures. though software sight be developed for this, yet the software can be easily hacked. 2. sometimes, the quickness of digital communication is harmful as messages can be sent with the click of a mo subroutine. The psyche does not think and sends the message at an impulse. 3. Digital conference has completely ignore the human touch. A private touch cannot be established because both the com retchers will have the analogous font 4. The establishment of Digital Communicat ion causes degradation of the environment in some cases. Electronic waste is an example. The vibraharp deemn out by the telephone and cell phone towers are so strong that they can kill small birds. In occurrence the common sparrow has vanished due to so umteen towers coming up as the vibrations hit them on the subject.5. Digital Communication has made the strong word to be an office. The people carry their work to places where they are suppositious to relax. The whole world has been made into an office. Even in the office, digital communication causes problems because personal messages can come on your cell phone, internet, etc. 6. some people misuse the efficiency of Digital Communication. The sending of hoax messages, the example by people to harm the society, etc cause harm to the society on the whole. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Communication Definition of Digital A rule of storing, processing and transmitting discipline through the use of di stinct electronic or optical pulses that represent the binary digits 0 and1. Advantages of Digital slight expensiveMore reliableEasy to manipulateFlexibleCompatibility with other digital systemsOnly digitised information can be transported through a noisy channel without degradation Integrated networksDisadvantages of Digital Sampling misunderstandingDigital communications require greater bandwidth than analogue to transmit the same information. The detection of digital signals requires the communications system to be synchronised, whereas generally mouth this is not the case with analogue systems. 1.The first advantage of digital communication against anlog is its noise immunity.In any transmission room some unsuitable voltage or noise is always present which cannot be eliminated fully.when signal is transmitted this noise gets added to the pilot burner signal causing the distortion of the signal. stock-still in a digital communication at the receiving end this additive noise can be eliminated to great finish easily resulting in break out recovery of actual signal.Incase of analog communication its difficult to remove the noise once added to the signal. is another priority of messaging services in modern days.Digital communication provides better security to messages than the analog communication.It can be achieved through various coding techniques available in digital a digital communication the signal is digitised to a stream of 0 s and 1 s.So at the receiver positioning a simple conclusion has to me made whether received signal is a 0 or a 1.Accordingly the receiver circuit becomes simpler as compared to the analog receiver circuit. 4.Signal when travelling through its transmission path gets faded gradually.So on its path it needs to be reconstructed to its actual form and re-transmitted galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) times.For that reason AMPLIFIERS are used for analog communication and REPEATERS are used in d igital communication.amplifiers are needed every 2 to 3 Kms apart where as repeaters are neede every 5 to 6 Kms apart.So emphatically digital communication is cheaper.Amplifiers also oftentimes add non-linearities that distort the actual signal.5.Bandwidth is another scarce resource.Various Digital communication techniques are available that use the available babdwidth much efficiently than analog communication techniques. 6.when audio and video signals are transmitted digitally an AD(Analog to Digital) converter is needed at tansmitting side and a DA(Digital to Analog) converter is again needed at receiver side.While transmitted in analog communication these devices are not needed. 7.Digital signals are often an approximation of the analog data(like voice or video) that is obtained through a process called quantisation.The digital representation is never the exact signal moreover its more or less closely approximated digital form.So its accuracy depends on the period of approx imation siren in quantisation process. .That not everyone has access to these sites.not everyone can use these can never trust sites like this because you dont know who or were the person is reading your message Social networking is the process of conveying friends and of managing friendships through the internet. People who wish to meet others on line put up their most compelling and attractive presentations through their profile pages. They link groups and turn over with others by commenting on topics or by introducing topics that hope to raise discussion. The advantages are endless. A person can protect covert by set up fake addresses, birthdates, addresses and symbolic images, making the profile private and for friends only. secrecy is ensured by exercising caution when posting personal and biographical information and photos. The amount of personal data that is made available should be highly customizable, or it is outgo to figure a site that provides better privacy features. The disadvantages are also endless. Social networking sites can sell your personal information to anyone who wants to buy it, including spammers and on line predators.Even if the terms of understanding rent that no personal information will be sold, the site can change its policy at any time. If blogs or other original content is published at a site, the site can establish over copyright privileges in unlimited ways. Few writers, artists and musicians are apprised(predicate) of this and forget to read the terms of understanding in order to find out what can happen to their works. True identity is never know unless people meet in person. While it is a myth that, without corpse language, a persons behavior and personality can never be unders likewised, at that place is never a way to get a persons complete behavior and personality profile stringently through on line interaction. in that location are too many people on line and in affable networking sites. Th e tendency is to transport for the biggest party, barely the biggest party is also the most challenging place for discourse that leads to more understanding and more fruitful interactions. It is daunting and time consuming, but the silk hat way to find people is through the forums and groups. The most serious people are the sparky and outgoing personas who want to become an instant best friend to total strangers. There is too much relentless and rum pressure from some who wish to impose their demands for personal information on others.They make one ripe(p) point, which is that it is creepy to have a person show up in a group or to father inviting people to be friends when they have an empty Social networking is the process of conclusion friends and of managing friendships through the internet. People who wish to meet others on line put up their most compelling and attractive presentations through their profile pages. They join groups and communicate with others by commenting on topics or by introducing topics that hope to encourage discussion.The disadvantages are also endless. Social networking sites can sell your personal information to anyone who wants to buy it, including spammers and on line predators. Even if the terms of understanding take in that no personal information will be sold, the site can change its policy at any time.If blogs or other original content is published at a site, the site can take over copyright privileges in unlimited ways. Few writers, artists and musicians are alert of this and forget to read the terms of understanding in order to find out what can happen to their works.True identity is never cognize unless people meet in person. While it is a myth that, without physical structure language, a persons behavior and personality can never be understood, at that place is never a way to get a persons complete behavior and personality profile rigorously through on line interaction.There are too many people on line and in s ocial networking sites. The tendency is to head for the biggest party, but the biggest party is also the most challenging place for communion that leads to more understanding and more fruitful interactions. It is daunting and time consuming, but the best way to find people is through the forums and groups. The most unsafe people are the sparky and outgoing personas who want to become an instant best friend to total strangers.There is too much relentless and rum pressure from some who wish to impose their demands for personal information on others. They make one good point, which is that it is creepy to have a person show up in a group or to get going inviting people to be friends when they have an empty or hidden profile.There is a happy medium where limited and safe information can be put up, but there can be uttermost too much manipulation and aggression involved with getting others to give up age, location, real photos and far too much detail most themselves in public profi les.It is sad when a group holds an in-person essence or meeting and only some members can travel or pay for a trip to meet everyone. This happens in the best and most well founded groups, but creates a rift between those who have met in real life and those who have to confine their interaction to the group posts.In summary, there are dangers, irritants, untrustworthy processes, such as selling registration information, and there are untrustworthy people who are active in social networking. The savvy social networker takes time to establish solid friendships and memberships in groups, has a skeptical mind, and holds back when prompted to give up too much personal information or to interact with total strangers.1. addicting and waste of time.2. cyber trolls and cyber threats.3. can ignite your real social life.4. noneducational5. much radiation from computer screens.Social networking sites have become exceedingly popular in recent years. This increased popularity has caused relate among many parents about how these sites are affecting their chelaren.Parents are becoming aware of many disadvantages of social networking sites including their affect on a childs ability to stomach. Constant online communication affects children, making it difficult for them to communicate and concentrate when away from the screen. It is, therefore, important for parents to monitor their childrens online social interactions and place a time limit on how long they can spend on the computer. Notable among the disadvantages of social networking sites is the presence of cyber bullying.Parents should monitor their childrens online social interactions to nix them from becoming victims of cyber bullying. Social networking can affect children contradictly if they are unwittingly dragged into some sort of cyber bullying, which may lead to teen suicides. Social networking affects children to the extent that social networks sometimes encourage interpersonal relations that are unrealisti c. A childs online interactions with people who could influence them in a nix manner may expose them to quite serious threats and potential dangers.Sometimes a childs online social interactions may not be appropriate. The luxury of hiding behind a screen where they are incomprehensible gives them the opportunity to say anything. This freedom could result in fights or online bullying. contempt their disadvantages, social networking sites have many advantages. Children may make some good friends online, become more aware of menstruum affairs, and get career guidance. A childs online social interactions, if properly monitored, can be respectable to their career and life. Social networking affects communication among children, which can be both dogmatic and negative. The disadvantages of social networking sites can be offset by having some kind of plan in place where parents can supervise their childs Internet activities. Children should be educated about how online communication affects them and about the negative effects their online social interactions may have.Advantages* Social skills. Facebook allows kids to keep up with current friends and make new ones. When used in the right way, social media can increase a childs self-esteem and help them flavor less isolated. * Self-expression. A Facebook page gives a child their own fundament page on the web, where they can express themselves and talk about their interests. They can join groups and support fan pages, and find out what other people are interested in. * Digital competence. Managing a Facebook page teaches a child how to post comments and photos, and how to navigate the web. Having good online social media skills will be progressively important as they get older. * Educational development. A majority of tweens and teens use social networking to discuss school work. Shared discussions about school assignments is one of the best reasons to allow access to social networks.Disadvantages* Kids can be mean. However much you school your child on the right way to stick out online, you cannot stop other children from posting mean comments. * A Facebook mark is a gateway to the whole Internet. Its impossible to isolate a Facebook account from the rest of the Internet links and click-through ads are everywhere. If you think your child is too young to explore the Internet or cannot be trusted to bear on within the Facebook environment, then a Facebook account is a bad idea. * heed of friends of friends. Often times its not your childs friends that are the problem, its friends of friends. When your child accepts a friend request, make sure you watch over out their page and their list of friends. (If you are friends with your child, you need to be awake with your page too)

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Hong Kong Identity

identity operator debonnaire July beginning(a), 2003 kvetch Agenda 1. mental institution 1. 1. What is indistinguishability politic 1. 2. Political events that have modify HK identity element 2. Julyinitiatory, 2003 protest 3. culmination 1. 1. What is individuation Politic identicalness politics Identity as a politic victimisation of identity politic Past v. s Present Introduction July 1st Protest resultant 1. 2. Political events that unnatural HK Identity Tiananmen Squ ar After WWI Refugee Identity distrustfulness of Chinese Government article 23 After 1960 Local HK Identity 1997 Handover 2013Introduction July 1st Protest finis 2. July1st, 2003 protest yearly protest led by polished Human Rights Front Article 23 The Hong Kong SAR shall enact laws on its own to reverse any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the primordial Peoples Government, or theft of state secrets, to terminate foreign semi semipolitical faces or bodies from cond ucting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodiesIntroduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Concerns Pros British government also had repressive acts e. g Society Ordinance and the Public fix Ordinance Cons Police is allowed to enter houses and draw bulk without warrant/evidence No independence of speech Violation of Article 23 can result in a life term in a prison Any organization can be banned by PRC Conclusion Introduction July 1st Protest HK passel identityIdentity of general HK battalion Pragmatism Individualism Narrowing first step among HK great deal/ mainlanders ambitious, adaptable, practical and intelligent Widening gap between HK people/ mainlanders valuing free speech, press freedom, privacy and comparison Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion HK people identity Parties that affect HK people identity HK people identity Brit ish colonial period rule of law, majority rule, freedom of speech Chinese Government bollock education, flag-raising ceremonies visits to the mainland IntroductionJuly 1st Protest Conclusion Identity illustrated by July 1st, 2003 Widening gap repugnance vs. Pragmatic Nationalism and Liberalized Nationalism ecumenical identity HKs dream, opportunities in society, has touched to locals commitment to democracy Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 3. Conclusion Evident that Article 23 politic widened the gap of issue in rights of HK people ex. Free speech, press freedom, valuing privacy, valuing comparability But still the trend is that people feel less gap with mainlanders ainlands characteristic change HK people affected by mainland governments media, education, and ceremonies. No identity is perfectly coherent at that place is inconsistencies Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Questions to discuss What are the evolving features of the local political identity, culture and participation What is the essence of the conflicts between the local and national identities of HK people? What are the reasons for the rise of new activism, and what is its impact? Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion

Friday, January 11, 2019

Death Penalty for the Mentally Insane

cordial nausea is specify as any various circumstances characterized by impairment of an individuals sane cognitive, emotional or behavioral functioning, and ca ingestiond by social, psychological, biochemical, genetic or other factors, much(prenominal) as infection or leave trauma (Fiack). The ment aloney crazed experience a wag condition which instantly effects wellbeing and actions. Mental aberration rat be described as an incomplete development of the brain which potbelly sop up an impact on broadcast and social effectiveness.Congressman should non allow the close punishment on the mentally huffy because giving the devastation penalisation to the mentally demoniac is an abomination. Congressmen might consider emergence the finale penalisation to the mentally disturbed because all punishments should be equal no matter the individual, but the mentally screwy are non forever and a day in chequer of their actions and they are not always in a stable cond ition in which they k directly what they are doing. A troubled history or childishness can provide a diminish value ( appeal).Not all mentally buggy are brought up in stable environments which could lead to ferocity and violence. The rage and violence cannot be coverled by the mentally disturbed patient because do to all over exposure to abuse they rely on the rage and violence for self-defense. Over cardinal per centum of male and eighty percent of female mentally insane inmates select reported sexual or forcible abuse (Fiack). A vast absolute majority of the mentally insane have experienced some sort of abuse which whitethorn cause mixed emotions and instability.This instability causes the mentally to go crazy and take allthing bulge out on the nea liberalisation guardian they bewitch and the mentally insane should not be penalized for being put into a tell apart of craziness. The mentally insane receiving the sustain penalization is an abomination. All abominat ions have similar characteristics. handle villainy in the United States, inflicting the dying penalization on the mentally insane is a negative characteristic of the juridical system. Every abomination has a termination. tuck in might be a consequence considering the severity of the offense, such as murder.America sells all types of guns and like enforcing the final stage punishment on the mentally insane, guns are fatal. Guns are the causes of some oddments and fair like the end penalty, many lives are taken away from guileless and mentally insane civilians. Like gangs, the death penalty of the mentally insane affects everyone and is not community oriented. Gangs are a holy terror to everyone in a community and the death penalty is a threat to every citizen of the United States. Using the death penalty to kill the mentally insane is not for the community and ruins the closeness and bond a community shares among the children and bountifuls.Smuggling in weapons, illegal narcotics and the use of drugs is a disgrace to the youths of America just like the use of the death penalty on the mentally insane. The death penalty is an abomination because in the last cardinal years, more than sixty people with a mental affection have been execute (Fiack). Putting these mentally insane to rest because of an action they probably did not have control over is completely spare and un-just. If Congressmen wish to punish a mentally insane person they could place them in an insane asylum to learn to control their anger and violence towards others.A consequence now exists because of all the insanity pleas within the last thirty years. The MNaughten Test is now given to show if the defendant was unable to understand what he or she was doing and if at that place is a substantial lack of ability to understand ones conduct (Fisanck). If the mentally insane patient can pass this scrutiny and the test clearly shows they had no control of their action and did not reco gnize the crime they were committing, giving them the death penalty would be unlawful. The court gave Darrell W.Ferguson the death penalty, an inmate with an seeming(a) unclear thought process. The courts rejected the claim, not thoroughly considering mental health unlooses (Court). Although abominations are not community oriented, a group called Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation travels well-nigh North Carolina helping raise sentiency and trying to gain support to breed a bill passed against the death penalty of the mentally insane (Murder). The issue with bringing a mental nausea case into court is the dialog box members do not always understand how the brain is affected by this disease.Jury members with a mistaking of mental illness cause the mentally insane to die on death row because they do not imbibe the challenges of raising a mentally insane child or grown adult nor what they are capable of without the patient still being aware of his actions. As a result, the jury tends to lean more towards a guilty verdict convicting the mentally insane before truly understanding how a diseased brain works. This process can be unfair to the victim and if the jury is not clear of the mental illness the defendant has.To solve such a problem, each individual should be inform of the exact mental illness exhibit before the court is in academic term or should not be a part of the jury. Congressmen should not promote the death penalty of the mentally insane because the death penalty of the mentally insane forget lead to public outcry and elicit families, disassembly of moral value, and will care in the first steps to the profligacy of human life and self-worth. Over thirty years ago John Hinckley wisecrack Ronald Regan in the chest but was not given the death penalty because he plead insane (Vatz).Instead of giving him the supreme punishment there is to offer he was sentenced to a mental hospital, which is what happens in nigh cases of the mental ly insane. In 2006, The American measuring rod Association passed a resolution name for the exemption of those with serious mental illness from imposition and execution of the death penalty (Fisanck). Congressmen should present a law to encourage the mentally insane in death penalty situations. Works Cited Court avert Mental Health Claims Of Inmate Who want Death Penalty. Mental Health justness Report. 66, June 2006.Gale Power Search. Web. 6 October 2011. Fiack, Shannon. Mental nausea and Criminal Behavior. Greenhaven Press, 2009. Gale Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 6 October 2011. Fisanck, Christina. umbrage and Criminals. Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 6 October 2011. Murder and Mental Illness Group Supports Removing Death Penalty. Wilson occasional Times. 11 May 2011. Gale Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 6 October 2011. Vatz, Richard E. The Insanity Excuse and Retrograde Thinking. regular army Today. March 2011 66-67. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 6 October 20 11.