Saturday, January 25, 2020

Information and Electronic Commerce :: Internet Net World Wide Web Media

Information and Electronic Commerce The communication revolution, industrial revolution and now the electronic revolution have all made life easier for us. Electronic commerce is a small ingredient that has helped this electronic revolution get started, but does it really accommodate the entire population? Electronic commerce itself has had a major impact here in the U.S. with both its people and its economy. It has made us look at trading in a different way, besides traditional trading of concrete materials, "[it involves world trade] of entertainment, information services, technical information†¦ now accounting well over $40 billion of U.S. exports alone" (Framework, pg. 3). E-commerce makes transferring information fast, easy, and cheap, but it also has its downfalls, and not everyone can be satisfied. Personal privacy is now becoming obsolete, small businesses can now be managed by one person leading to the loss of potential jobs, and countries that are not as technologically advanced miss out in all the actio n. "Unfortunately, collection, re-use, and instantaneous transmission of information-can, if not managed carefully, diminish personal privacy" (Framework, pg. 16). E-commerce is a business itself that lets us know more information about the providers, consumers, and people in general. This could be a great if you have a business and want everyone to know who you are and what you sell. Others can, however, take your information and use it for the wrong purpose, invading your privacy and exposing it. A great example is essays over the Internet. Other people take these and sell them to other students. This invades your property and does not help anyone. The student who wrote it probably did not see any of the money and the student who bought a copy did not learn about the subject. However, if you still want to market yourself electronically, you will have to sacrifice your privacy in one way or another. E-commerce has helped small businesses to flourish. "Approximately 85% of existing businesses are categorized as small businesses, and approximately 85% of these are owned and operated by a single individual" (Electronic, pg. 120). This can ultimately lead to a loss of potential jobs. E-commerce facilitates business transactions so much that you no longer need a lot of people doing other work for you. Before a single individual could not handle a business, they would have to hire someone else to do different tasks. Now a single individual can make all the money, and all the others have lost a job.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Mental Disorder Research Paper Essay

Mental stability or mental health is the way humans react to, think about, and feel about what goes on in their everyday lives. It is a psychosomatic and emotional state of being. Throughout history, people with odd or dangerous behaviors were seen as witches or ones possessed by evil spirits. These people were thrown in prisons or institutions to isolate them from others. Not too long ago, in the 1950’s with a great deal of research and much more highly developed technology many people with mental disorders have been treated. In America, more than 45 million adults suffer from a mental disorder (MENTAL ILLNESS AND THE FAMILY: RECOGNIZING WARNING SIGNS AND HOW TO COPE). That’s about 25 percent of people over the age of 18. Many of these people fail to realize that they have a mental illness or succeed in hiding it from others. When these disorders remain ignored they lead to harmful stages in ones life such as, drug abuse, suicide, violence, or conflicts with family and friends. When ones behavior is labeled as a mental disorder it influences the way that person and the others around that person perceives them. Education about mental disorders is necessary (What is mental illness?). In society today, how people distinguish one with a mental disorder and one without a mental disorder is by judging them as â€Å"normal† or â€Å"abnormal.† Today’s normal is considered as the acceptance in society. Abnormal labels people who are not considered â€Å"socially normal.† People use the term â€Å"mental illness† as if it is something abnormal and weird. A mental disorder is known as unhealthy (Susin, Janet). But when we think of an illness, the first thing that comes to mind is a physical sickness. If a young child is physically abused throughout his life, his different personality is a way to deal with the disturbance in his life. If the child doesn’t find a way to deal with this, he or she will want to find dif ferent ways to deal with it such as suicide. Their behavior or what is known as the â€Å"disorder,† is healthier than not going through the process of healing with that behavior (Talking To Kids About Mental Illnesses). Stigma, judgment and separation of people are the product of misunderstandings about mental disorders (Corrigan, Patrick W., and Amy C. Watson). Mental illnesses are not due to any variety of brain damages. Although they are like physical illnesses such as lung cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, people with mental disorders are not treated the same as those with a physical illness. A variety of mental disorders such as bipolar disorder have the ability to run in families. But, most victims develop one without any signs of family history. When one is found to have a mental disorder, the factor that set off their disorder is an event that took place in their life. Factors such as a death of a loved one, financial suffering, unemployment, physical abuse, and sexual abuse can contribute to the start of a mental disorder. This makes every single human susceptible to one (Corrigan, Patrick W., and Amy C. Watson). People with mental disorders are rarely dangerous. Even those with the most serious illness are not dangerous when receiving support. Just like physical illnesses, a mental disorder is treatable. It is possible for one to completely recover if treated early on and properly. It is also possible that the mental disorder can reappear and necessitate constant treatment (What is mental illness?). The largest struggle for someone with a mental illness or someone recovering from one is the confrontation of unnecessary manners of the people around him or her. This is why it is necessary to provide support for those who are suffering. Encouragement and the optimistic behaviors of family, friends, and members of the community are essential to providing those who cope with mental disorders with the support that they need (SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH). Encouraging them to continue with a medication or with therapy will help them believe that that they can achieve mental stability. Altering yourself and working with them will help solve the problems that they are faced with. Increasing your own ability to understand what this person is dealing with will help you talk to and counsel them. Although peo ple with mental disorders are rarely dangerous, talk to them about why they should go see a therapist or go seek help instead of telling them or debating with them (What is mental illness?). The conditions in which a person is born, grows up in, lives, and works are significant factors when it comes to having a mental disorder. Also factors such as sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, gender, and one’s socioeconomic status has to do with someone’s disorder (SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH). These factors are known as the social determinants of health. The social determinants of health provide a more complete interpretation of what the initial reason of illness is and what it will take to restore their health. Addressing the social determinants of health will reach out to state government and make them direct a population in a better way regarding the influence of social determinants. As children, around thirty percent of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender have been physically abused by members of their family because of their sexual orientation. These individuals have a 1.5 times higher risk for depression and anxiety disorders throughout their life t han heterosexuals. Thirty percent of African Americans are more likely to have a severe psychological distress than Non- Hispanic Whites. The infant death rate of American Indians and Alaska Natives is forty percent higher than the infant death rate of Caucasians (SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH). Raising awareness of the social determinants of health will have a significant impact on the mental health of individuals and their communities. Adolescents need to know about mental disorders just as much as anyone over the age of 18. Kids are naturally questionable about mental illnesses. The importance of learning the warning signs of mental disorders and how to fight the stigma that surrounds mental illness can affect the futures of children. Many kids often make fun of other kids because they seem weird. If children are taught that these problems are not the fault of the others who have them, they will less likely make other students feel ashamed (Talking To Kids About Mental Illnesses) . This should be taught as a part of a health class and if not taught in school, must be taught by the parents of a child. Children in pre-school will have questions about what they can see and focus on. They will mostly notice other kids who are screaming and crying. Children as young as this will need less information because of their limited ability to understand. As children go into elementary school they will question the specifics and their questions will be straightforward. Their concerns will be towards the safety of their friends or family if they see something unusual. Teenagers are able to understand just as much as an adult and they will ask more complicated questions. They will ask their friends about anything that they’re curious about. This results in false or misunderstood information (Susin, Janet). Parents need to provide correct information to their children with support and advice. Everyday people with serious mental disorders are challenged. While they are facing with the challenges that come from their disorder, they are also confronted by the misconceptions and prejudice towards their illness. Public stigma is the common reaction given towards people with mental disorders by the public. Self-stigma is the intolerance people with mental disorders give themselves (Corrigan, Patrick W., and Amy C. Watson). There are a few views on which people have about mental illness. There are thoughts that people with mental disorders should be feared and be kept out of their communities. Some people feel that people with mental disorders are not capable of making their own decisions and need to have their life decisions made by others because they are irresponsible. This is known as authoritarianism. Benevolence is the idea that people with mental illness are not able to take care of themselves and need to be taken care of (Corrigan, Patrick W., and Amy C. Watson). Learning about mental disorders will show the way to early recognition and treatment. Educating children at an early age will help them prevent a mental disorder in their own life. By learning about mental disorders, one’s recognition of their mental disorder becomes easier. This gives them the ability to act fast and treat their disorder (ME NTAL ILLNESS AND THE FAMILY: RECOGNIZING WARNING SIGNS AND HOW TO COPE). One without a mental disorder can also notice that someone has one and will fight the stigma that surrounds the disorder. There have been cases in which teenagers with mental disorders realized that if they had a lesson on mental illnesses it would have made a big difference in their lives. The only way to change the view of people towards those with mental disorders is to educate them on why some of these people have their illness (Susin, Janet).

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By William Twain

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn show much growth in Huck’s state of mind and, consequently, conveys themes of human equality that were scarce in Twain’s time of the 1800’s. These ideas of racial equality and social criticism were heavily enforced in the novel via Huck’s growth as a person. These changes really get put into stone when Huck decides to refuse to turn in Jim by destroying the letter to Ms.Watson. Throughout Twain’s novel, Huck undergoes a drastic amount of maturing, but this moment is a significant turning point in Huck’s moral understanding of his world as he doubts the way he has been shown the world. When he decides to tear up the letter to turn Jim in, who is a slave, he experiences an internal conflict until he†¦show more content†¦In fact, he thought this man saving and reclaiming his family was wrong, but as he spent more time with Jim on the raft and bonds, he believes that Jim isn’t just a â€Å"nigge r,† but a friend and human on a noble deed. Because of this friendship he has had with this black man, he risks eternal damnation to save him so that he can get back his family that belongs to a slave owner. It’s here that Huck’s old ideals that he was taught by the Widow and Pap begin to develop and morph into his own way of interpretation of the structure of man. During his crisis, one part of him thought that he should turn him in because he is stolen property, but there was a part of him that also said Jim has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve the cruelty awaiting him. He acknowledges that what he has been told is wrong and decides to act upon his own judgment, which is then expanded upon in throughout the novel after this moment. This one seemingly small action, actually plays a grand role in the novel’s plot and overall message. The act of tearing up the note is one of the most important pushes towards Huck’s own interpret ation of the world around him. Here, he begins questioning what really is the right or wrong of the situation and chooses the â€Å"wrong† action, deemed by society, because The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By William Twain Often, the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is regarded with much controversy by parents in America. Aside from the heavy use of the â€Å"n-word† in the book, it touches on some rather controversial themes, such as social equality, slavery and many other things. However these themes should not be frowned upon, but rather, they should be analyzed and interpreted for what they truly are; satire against racism in the South. Over the course of the book, the main character, Huckleberry Finn, embarks on an adventure with a runaway slave named Jim down the Mississippi River on a raft. Through the course of their journey, both undergo great changes, especially Huck, who is torn between what he has been taught and what he is constantly†¦show more content†¦This struggle is shown in the quote, â€Å"That was where it pinched. Conscience says to me, â€Å"What had poor Miss Watson done to you that you could see her nigger go off right under your eyes and never say one single word? What did that poor old woman do to you that you could treat her so mean? Why, she tried to learn you your book, she tried to learn you your manners, she tried to be good to you every way she knowed how. That’s what she done† (Twain 87). Huck’s upbringing in the extremely racist south and his newfound friendship with Jim cause him to clash with himself on his beliefs towards slavery and equality. Another example of Huck struggling with choosing between conformist behavior and individualistic behavior is when he is living with the Widow Douglass, and he often has trouble grasping the â€Å"proper† lifestyle she attempts to impress upon him. The Widow Douglass envisions Huck being a behaved, intelligent, and proper southern gentleman. However, Huck develops his own personal opinions that somewhat refute the widow’s stance on religion and behavior. This is all part of Huck’s inability to identify with neither conformism nor individualism. Often in a novel, that which is good and bad is clear to both the audience and the narrator. However, in this particular story, the narrator encounters difficulty in distinguishing what is moral from what is immoral. Similar to his issues with