Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Louis Armstrong Discography :: essays research papers

about the discography--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SIDEMAN1923-25HOT 5 & 71925-28STARDOM1929-32THE 30S1932-42WAR YEARS1942-46ALL-STARS1942-56PURE GOLD1956-63TWILIGHT1963-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evolution of the All-Starsfeedback ascribe where its dueother linksto louis(c) 1999scott johnsonThe Louis Armstrong DiscographyMost historians agree when it comes to influential musicians in this century, one name stands above the rest. Not Gershwin or Porter, Lennon or Presley. It is, indeed, Louis Armstrong who goddam the music of the world out of a tired tradition of unmixed orchestra and mundane Tin Pan Alley pop into the exciting eon of hot jazz and swing. Not single-handedly, admittedly but Armstrong set standards of originality and spontaneousness that are yet to be surpassed.Equal parts singer, soloist, and personality, Louis recordings cover an surp progression range of styles and trends. And at every single stage of his career, he produced reach of such staggering quality that it was never possible to dismiss this melodious icon.Born in 1900, his life paralleled many of the twists and turns of the middle century. In the twenties, he stunned his jazz peers with an instrumental originality they had never imagined. The thirties saw him rise to the top of the pop music echelon, as his peerless personality move up admiring listeners of all colors. The forties brought both a sinking of fortunes, with a ban on recording during the war, and a bold resurgence at the end of the decade. By the fifties, Louis voice mellowed into an evocative instrument of its own, equal to(p) of elevating a novelty like "Mack the Knife" or a ballad like "That Old Feeling" into timeless mementos. Even in his final years, though deprived of the facility to make his famous motor horn produce the kind of stirring sound that first brought him recognition, Louis Armstrong had the clout to shape his most famous hits.

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